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Position:Home>History> What would WW2 be like if Hitler had pulled Russia to his camp of Axis?

Question: What would WW2 be like if Hitler had pulled Russia to his camp of Axis!?
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Sorry, but this was never going to happen!.

Hitler and Stalin signed a non aggression pact, in which German officers helped update the Soviet Army, and Germany gained access to Soviet resources, but they were not allies, and realistically were never going to be allies!.

It was not a question of Jews, but rather Politics!. Germany allied with Italy, yet many Jews lived in Italy!. So to suggest they would not ally because of the number of Jews in Russia is wrong!.

Ever since Hitler wrote Mein Kampft whilst in prison in 1924 it was clear what he thought about the Russian people!.

Hitler believed in the supremacy of the Aryan race!. The Russian people were not aryan and as such, were classed as undesirable!. Hitler wrote that he needed "living space" for his new Germany, and that this living space was to be found in the east, at the expense of the Poles and Russians!.

The decision to form a non-aggression pact with Stalin, was so that Germany could gain access to raw materials at a cheap price, to use in the future against Stalin!. Hitler intended to subjugate the peoples of Eastern Europe into an underclass of slave labour to work the German economy!.

One of the reasons Hitler launched the invasion of the Soviet Union as early as 1941, was due to his distaste of the Russian gene pool!. He dispised the Russian people almost as much as the Jews!. Therefore he would never ally with the Soviet Union!. There was as much chance as Hitler forbidding the Holocaust, as there was of him allying with Stalin!.

During the war, approximately 5% of British and US pows died in German war camps!. But as many as 40% of Soviet pows died in the same camps!. This was because, the Russian people were seen as a disease that needed to be wiped out!. I have personally visited a concentration camp on the outskirts of Berlin, where on 1 day, 7,000 Russian soldiers were shot in a pit!. They were housed alongside Jews!.

1 of the big reasons Hitler was able to take power in Germany was because he was anti-communist!. The Industrialists backed Hitler because they feared Communism, as did Hitler!. Once in power, the Communists were rounded up and placed with the Jews in the concentration camps, and formerly executed!.

So this question was never going to happen!. Hitler wanted to enslave the Russian people, and take control of their raw materials and land!. The only way this was going to happen, without a fight, was if Stalin handed it over!. Which he would never do!. Stalin was happy to sign the non aggression pact, because he wanted to buy time, to prepare for war!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Technically at the begginning of the war U!.S!.S!.R!. was on the side of axis!. But when hitler started invading they asked to us for help!. If they would have stayed together, which wouldnt happen due to the high jewish population of Russia; The allies would have lossed!. If you noticed 30,000,000 ppl died in WWII, 20,000,000 were russian, so if they were on the other side that would be pretty much american lives!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They would most likely have won!. Even certain strategic victories over the Soviets without bringing them to their side would have been a huge help, as the Russian war was a grab for much needed fuel!. North Africa was a German failure, so Russia was the last shot before the Germans literally ran outta gas!. They overextended, fighting on a new, harsh front (against a people who'd shown Napoleon the lengths they'd go to to avoid surrender), the Allies pulled off an amazing strike in June '44!.!.!.and it was all downhill from there for the Nazi bastids!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To scary to contemplate!. Consider this: I read an account of a guy who served during the Battle of the Bulge!. He captured a German officer who reported that the war shouldn't have gone this way!. He was an adminstrator and earlier had training to be part of the German command after they occupied the United States!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I consider it impossible!. In the USSR in the government there were many Jews!. Nazis would not go on such union!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Russians WERE on the side of the Axis!. They co-operated with Hitler in the re-creation of the Wehrmaht, helped train the german air force and tank corps (in defiance of theVersailles treaty) and assisted the nazis in their attack on Poland in September 1939!. They also attacked Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland and Roumania!.

The Russians remained loyal to Hitler (supplying them with war materials) until the nazis attacked them!. And the historical record was "cleansed" afterwards so as to present Stalin and the Soviets in the best possible light!.

So the question should be- what would the WW2 be like if Hitler had delayed double-crossing Russia until he was done with the Brits!?Www@QuestionHome@Com