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Question: Salem Witch Trail!?
i need to have a 10 slide power point on the salem witch trials by monday, but i am going out of town this weekend for a dance competition!! can anyone help me out!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
what about it!? You need to state your case before we can help out!. What about the trials!? Are you looking at how women were treated!? The politics behind the trials!? The myths surrounding why they happened!?

There are crazy myths about there being a bergot fungus growing in the wheat grain, which, consumed daily, as wheat grain was part of their daily staple, slowly drove the township into a hallucinatory paranoia!. They all went crazy and killed the women!.

There are crazy myths that the women of this town were truly witches and needed to be killed!. They were drown!. If they died in the drowning, they were innocent, but unfortunately, also dead!. If they lived through the dunking, they were witches, and thus burned alive at the stake like Joan of Arc!.

A closer eye to the political stage will give you a truer accounting behind the crusade!. Across the pond in Europe, the Spanish Inquisition was a 300 year religious endurance race!. Those who backed the Catholics did so with grand gestures of gold and wealth!. Those who did not were tortured beyond your worst nightmares!. The zealots gave, perhaps of their own free will, but some out of fear of being tortured!. Hence the holier-than-thou paranoia began!.

In Massachusetts, there were Europeans who have found a lawless land that was ruled by none!. They could rule their own beliefs, and no one would try to "pear" them for their religious freedoms!. (look up the pear sometime!. absolutely foul what the church has done to people)!. In their stringent attitudes on conduct, they decided that if they could keep strict eye on their neighbors, they would be able to keep out the infiltration of outsiders, impure thoughts, and ideas that did not mesh with their own, which would eventually threaten their freedoms!.

But who are the "they" of Massachusetts!? Men!. Men ran the founding of the colonies!. Men ran the households!. Men ran the church!. Men turned on the women of Salem!.

So, what do you do with women whose husbands had not yet arrived in the new world!? Died in transit!? What do you do with a woman who has a parcel of land, is struggling to survive in a primitive society, and does not meet the criteria of the nuclear family!? Categorize her, quickly! She does not have a husband, so she is a threat to everyone else's!. She is impure!. She must be eliminated!. Besides, if she is eliminated, her land would be subject to donation to the church for payment of her sins!.

So, were the Salem Witch Trials an extension of the Spanish Inquisition!? Was it exemplary of a people trying so hard to escape religious persecution, only to inevitably fall into the same traps they were trying to escape!? Was it a coup by the church to increase its wealth by attaining properties of defenseless women!? Or were there just by coincidence a large concentration of witches hanging around the town of Salem who were not smart enough to blend, and not proficient enough in their craft to escape their demise!?

you decide!.Www@QuestionHome@Com