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Position:Home>History> Following on....?

Question: Following on!.!.!.!.!?
'When the oil runs out' has just kicked of in arts & humanities/history, so I wondered what do you think it will be like when the oil runs out!?I predict:
We'll all be using horses so there'll be no horse races!.
There'll be ranches in every town in England - at the end of the road where you live!.
People will take to boats - that's if there's any f****** wood left, AND there'll be pirates on the canals!.
We'll all be walking to work - at least those who still work in an office because we'll all probably be stuck at home on a computer, growing fatm havig our food deleivered!.
Oh!.!.!. and lots more besides!.
What do you think!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Arabs will live in tents, the Middle East will be at peace due to a lack of Western cash for bombs and guns!.

Africa will still be starving, but we can't send any aid so we are not guilty of any humanitarian crime!.

Richard Branson will have a business direction change, (most likely a scrap merchant)!.

The Olympic torch won't leave Athens!.

Arthur Scargill will write his autobiography, "I told Maggie this would happen"!.

Astronauts on the European space station will be writing their wills!.

And ASDA won't stock coconuts anymore!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You really are a pessimistic old sinner are you not!.
Try looking on the bright side!.
If you are so keen upon oil then let me reassure you that the oil will not run out in your lifetime!.
Use some brain and think laterally!. Ignore all the accepted alternative sources of power and come up with something all your own which will power humanity for the foreseeable future!. Get those grey cells working!.Www@QuestionHome@Com