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Position:Home>History> The Six Day War has significantly impacted history?

Question: The Six Day War has significantly impacted history!?
What initiated it!?
What is the secret behind the triumph and the effects of it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Technically Israel initiated it!. They launched an attack against their neighbors!. This was called a pre-emptive strike because the believed those neighbors were planning to attack them!. There is certainly history to support that notion as well as some evidence directly related to that time!.

The secret behind it was deception!. The Israeli forces were sent on "vacation" the day before the attack was launched, so spies saw thousands of soldiers on the beaches and such taking it easy on a holiday weekend!. Then the next day the attack was launched!. The Israeli air force gained complete air superiority in a matter of hours in a series of early morning attacks that crippled their enemies air forces!. Then with that air support they launch a highly successful ground campaign that tripled the territory under Israeli control!.

Much of the captured territory was returned after, but not all, most notably the west bank and the Gaza strip, two points of contention to this day!. One of the other effects of the Israeli success is that is drove their Arab enemies to seek Russian military aid for next time!. This in turn led the US to support Israel to counter the Soviet influence!. And that of course led to the Islamic extremist's hatred of the US!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My views are somewhat different but I will allow you to draw your own conclusions , see source-link below !.
Good luck ! <)))><
