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Position:Home>History> In ww1, what role did the Russian Revolution play in the Us entering the war?

Question: In ww1, what role did the Russian Revolution play in the Us entering the war!?
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It didn't!? The role that it played in general was that it took Russia out of the war in general!. The US entered the war because German U-boats kept sinking out ships that were sending supplies to England!. Another reason why they entered, was because we intercepted the "Zimmermann" note!. Which was basically a letter to Mexico that if they declared war on the US, the Germans would get them back the whole western coast of the US!. After we found that, we declared war and joined the Allies!. also, although it doesn't really have much to do with the Russian Revolution, WW2 was less of another world war, but more like a continuation of WW1!. Germany signed an armistice, which means that it was a ceasefire, yet when they got to Versailles, they found out the the Treaty of Versialles wasn't going with Wilson's fourteen point plan, but the greed of England and France!. They not only bankrupted Germany, but they caused the "Great Depression" which helped people like Stalin, Mussolini, and Hitler to rise to power using the anger of their countries to rise and become the evil rulers that they were!. To conclude, I really hate it when people blame the Germans for both world wars, even though they didn't start world war 1, the Serbians did, and the only reason why they started world war 2 was because we raped their economy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

None at all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When Russia pulled out of the war and retreated into Russia, German and Hungarian troops were free to concentrate only on the Western Front!. USA was the extra manpower needed to beat the Austrian and German Empires on one front!. At the end, Germany lost Western portions of its Empire and partition in the East to create Poland!.

I think America would have entered anyway!. Western Culture is pretty tight, in spite of those two wars!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

not in the US entering the war
it caused the Russian Empire to withdraw from the Great War
in october 1917Www@QuestionHome@Com

The US entered the war because of the Zimmerman telegram and the sinking of the Lusitania!. However the US did invade Russia 1918-1919!.Www@QuestionHome@Com