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Position:Home>History> Y didnt pharaoh maek pyramid out of steel?

Question: Y didnt pharaoh maek pyramid out of steel!?
y did he use bricks!?!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Dude, you're an idiot!. Steel wasn't discovered till the 1800s!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Their was no Steel back then!. Everything was made out of stone or mud!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is easier to carve out blocks of granite and limestone than it would be to turn iron into steel!. Bronze can not be smelted down into steel!. And it takes a lot of iron ore to make one pound of steel, not to mention an immense amount of flammable material used in the smelting process!. Iron ore contains many impurities that have to be removed during the smellting process, which in the era of Ancient Egypt would have required at the very least an acre of woodland to produce a single ounce of steel!. The pyramids, had they been made out of steel, would have taken tons of steel to make!. Egypt wasn't exactly productive to the smelting of iron in the quantities that would have been required for that much steel!. And it wasn't until around 1400 BC that steel first began to be produced anywhere!. More importantly, the last pharohonic pyramid was completed 1814 BC!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Bricks just look so much better!. It wasn't a building for offices, but rather like a tomb and artifact storage, so the architect for Pharoah thought brick would be much more fitting!. Bricks look much better against a sand background than steel too!. That's another reason!.

And at the time, there was an oversupply of bricks due to the recent years of flooding which made brick making much cheaper for a while, but made steel costs skyrocket!. The Pharoah considered using bamboo and marble, but he opted for brick!. I am not sure why he didn't use the bamboo and marble combination, but you might find it at this link:

The Pyramids were made out of Limestone blocks quarried locally!.Www@QuestionHome@Com