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Position:Home>History> A bachelor's degree in history - worthless or versatile?

Question: A bachelor's degree in history - worthless or versatile!?
I am considering earning my bachelor's in history, with the goal of eventually getting a master's in something along the lines of historic restoration or preservation, or maybe architectural history!. Any kind of historian job would be good!.!.!.but I'm not 100% sure yet!.

Anyway, I'm wondering if a bachelor's in history is one of those degrees that you either use to become a teacher (a history teacher) or else that you end up applying to something completely different, like a PhD in psychology or an MBA, because it is too general of a degree!.

Any thoughts!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Any degree like one in history is useful IF you take rigorous coursework and challenge yourself!. If you are interested in historic preservation or similar, I would take a few architecture courses, as this might be required for a masters program in the subject!.

Any degree is appropriate for an MBA -- it really depends again on the rigor of the courses, as well as what you do in your job for the few years before you enter the MBA program (and good grades as well)!.

For your long-range goals, I would also take advantage of any programs or internships in this area!. I know of someone who is headed in the same career direction, and is getting his BA in American Studies!. He got into a fantastic internship program at the Smithsonian in Washington DC!. That opened a lot of doors for him, and virtually assured his entry into a good masters program!.

So--bottom line--do well in your program, take advantage of all opportunities, and you will set yourself up for a lot of different options!. Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

BA in History Will add you your body of knowledge overall!. Just really learn it well so you can refer back to situation that will help you in areas like journalism, law, teaching, politics, travel, and just communicating with all kinds of people from all over!. It is something of value, but like I said - really learn it!. If you just study for the tests then it's c/b a distant lost memory, a few years after you graduate!. Good Luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, do it! I'm in the second year of mine now and it's very worthwhile - for the degree itself and what you'll (hopefully) get out of it!. I did consider doing pharmacology and I'm so glad I did history instead!.

I'm looking to do an MA too, though in just straight history!. I would have thought you'd be able to do those MA courses with a history background as long as you had some work experience or something!. If you're not 100% then it's a good degree - you can do loads with it!. Friends on my course want go into the police, become lawyers or a paramedic and, the obvious one, teaching (another one I'm considering)!.

You should look into different institutions and the statistics they have on where their graduates have gone!. Perhaps go on prospects!.ac!.uk and see what they have on there about the different MA programmes or careers you're considering!.

Hope that helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com