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Position:Home>History> How to use a spinning jenny?

Question: How to use a spinning jenny!?
Does anyone know how!?

Or anybody know any links to a website with a animation of a spinning jenny!.

The inventor was James Hargreaves btw and also i can;t find any pictures of him! help please!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Unfortunately, you may not be able to find pictures of James Hargreaves; he died before photography was invented!. I'm also trying to find info about him myself for you -- it looks like a lot of the pictures on web sites I'm turning up, they're posting pictures of everyone BUT him!.

But according to the site I'm linking to, that may be partly because his machine wasn't very popular at first -- people worried that their jobs would be taken away now that a machine could do it!. It also looks like someone else tried to claim the credit, and so he may have been the one who got all the portraits painted, and by the time he admitted James Hargreaves was the real inventor nobody cared any more!.

Haven't found much info about an animation of a spinning jenny, but this site seemed to have a decent amount of info in general, and may have a link!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Here's one Jenny I'd love to take a spin with!.