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Position:Home>History> What is the darkest period in U.S. history since the Civil War?

Question: What is the darkest period in U!.S!. history since the Civil War!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The darkest period would be the period between December 7, 1941 and June 1942!. Between these dates the USA was at war and had lost the Pacific fleet to Japanese attack, then the Philippines, Guam, and Wake Island fell to the Japanese and German U-boats sank scores of ships along the Atlantic seaboard and the US was unable to respond!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

September 11, 2001Www@QuestionHome@Com

the great depression and world warsWww@QuestionHome@Com

October 1929 through December 1945!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Great Depression
Pearl Harbor
Japanese Internment camps

the way the U!.S!.A!. treated the Native Americans because this treatment is still being done through today!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Viet Nam war!.

This period in our history is marked by changes in our civil rights, childrearing practices, taboos, media, and many others!. All these changes brought with them stress, resistance and other sources of conflict, which only added to the stress brought about by conflict abroad!.

Add to all the above race riots, increasing drug use by all generations of Americans, the sexual revolution, rock and roll, the beginnings of the environmental movement, etc!. and you have a dark period indeed, at least from a conventional point of view!.

Of course, this doesn't account at all for the immense amount of good that came out of that time period; I'm just addressing how it felt while it was happening!.Www@QuestionHome@Com