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Position:Home>History> What did reformers achieve regarding child labor?

Question: What did reformers achieve regarding child labor!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Because of unions and the democratic party the business practice of working children in factories with very little pay in order to replace an adult worker !.( The children would work for virtually pennies a day) was eliminated This helped out for a while but in recent years the business community found out that they could go overseas to manufacture their product using once again, child labor and sweatshop labor to make their wages that they pay drop back to pennies a day again!.
To prove my statements I give you the Nike shoe manufacturer that has their shoes made in Vietnam!. Their total cost for a pair of Nike shoes - material , labor, and shipping to the U!.S!. is FIVE DOLLARS A PAIR! Have you noticed the price tags on these shoes lately!?Www@QuestionHome@Com