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Position:Home>History> Is there any evidence of how Lee Harvey Oswald behaved after his capture?

Question: Is there any evidence of how Lee Harvey Oswald behaved after his capture!?
I know he wasn't alive for too long, but is there any evidence of how he behaved after his capture by the US authorities!? Was he defiant, insane, silent, confused, scared etc etc!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
He did not live very long after that but the records are still very hard to get a hold of!. The history channel special said that he was calm about the whole thing but did deny that he had shot Kennedy!. He had been beat up a little by the police because you can tell from the picture of him going into the police station and the one of him coming out he has a black eye and busted lip!. Anyways, he did deny that he had shot anyone!. He lived for only 48 hours after being captured and many records still have yet to be released on his interrogation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was before my time, but I do have a BS in History!. I believe all records indicate he denied any invovement to the end, was quite and introverted!. An interesting side note was that he had lived in Russia prior to the whole incident so naturally, he was considered sypathetic to the communist ways and ideals!.!.!.!.!.!.!.what ever happened that day in Dallas may never be known for sure!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There was plenty of evidence at the time surrounding the events prior during and after the Dallas shooting of JFK!. Lee H Oswald was definately involved in certain activities that would raise eyebrows!. However all the evidence that could prove either way is surpressed by the US government just like the evidence of the 9/11 attacks!. You may neber know the truth in all but if your government hide information from you under the pretence of national security then they are complicit in the crime of morality!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think Lee Harvey Oswald was probably something of a model prisoner!. Bear in mind this was a man who had been a US Marine - highly disciplined and ready to obey!.

Oswald was a sharpshooter of the very highest order - he was a US Marine marksman, a trained sniper!.

At 200 yards Oswald was able to get a score of 48 hits out of 50 right on the target somewhere near the middle!. That's not just good shooting, that is EXCELLENT shooting!.

The distance from where Oswald fired his three shots at the JFK car is only 80 yards!. The car was in that range for about eight seconds!.

A similar rifle to Oswalds was recently demonstrated on TV here in UK by an 82 year old American who easily bolt loaded the rifle, squeezed the trigger three times in about 7!.2 seconds - plenty of time!.

Don't believe all that conspiracy crap!. Oswald was working alone!.

Oswald, for whatever reason, was the only person involved in the assassination of JFK!.

Lee Harvey Oswald shot and killed
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Oprah Winfrey interviewed Lee Harvey Oswald's wife Marina Oswald Porter on the 33rd anniversary of Kennedy's assassination in 1996!. also on the show was a woman who knew of a man who shared the police cell LHO was put in when he was arrested!.
The interview is amazing and very revealing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com