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Position:Home>History> Why did hitler's dad beat hitler??

Question: Why did hitler's dad beat hitler!?!?
i need this my ela and i want to know why and how could hedo this!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Corporal Punishment was and still is widely acceptable on some levels!. That type of discipline had nothing to do with Hitler becoming who he became a lot of people were spanked and suffered a lot worse and grew up to be good and decent people!. Hitler's dad however was known to be an alcoholic and at times severely abusive and on the same token absent (due to being in bars) he died probably from a pleural hemorrhage, aged 65 (1903 while Adolf was young)!. It wasn't just abuse that made Hitler who he became!. Young Adolf saw his brother die at a young age from illness and was deeply scared by this!. His mother was often ill and died of cancer in 1907 (when Adolf was but a teenager) but before this she coddled and spoiled Adolf!.!.!. because he was often ill she fretted over him!. Hitler was deeply affected by this loss and suffered a sort of break down upon her death!.

In the process of growing up we are all faced with highly individual experiences and exposed to varying social influences!. The result is that when we mature no two of us are identical from a psychological point of view!. In most cases people have forgotten these earlier experiences but nevertheless still uses them as premises in his or her present conduct!. As soon as we are able to understand the premises underlying his conduct, then the irrational behavior becomes comprehensible to us!. Hitler developed a knack for "pigeon holing" his experiences and guarded them!. It was the combination of experiences that shaped Hitlers psyche and reasoning for his actions!.

Hitler's early life, when his fundamental attitudes were undoubtedly formed, was a closely guarded secret, particularly as far as he himself is concerned!. I dont think any one will ever be able to fully understand everything about Adolf's state of mind but he did see his father as lacking!. He often turned tried to see his teachers as father figures and these attempts always failed!. Later he attempted to find great men in history who could fill this need!. Caesar, Napoleon and Frederick the Great are only a few of the many to whom he became attached!. Although such, historic figures serve important role of this kind in the life of almost every child, they are in themselves inadequate!.
By all accounts Adolf and his mother had a strong attachment that went beyond the norm due to her loss of possibly 3 children prior to his birth!. The result was that she catered to his whims, even to the point of spoiling him, and that she was over-protective in her attitude towards him!. We may assume that during the first five-years of Adolph's life, he was the apple of his mother's eye and that she lavished affection on him!. In view of her husband's conduct and the fact that he was twenty-three years her senior and far from having a loving disposition, we may suppose that much of the affection that normally would have gone to him also found its way to Adolph!. Life with his mother during these early years must have been a veritable paradise for Adolph except for the fact that his father would intrude and disrupt the happy relationship!. Even when his father did not make a scene or lift his "whip", he would demand attention from his wife which prevented her participation in other pleasurable activities!. It was natural, under these circumstances, that Adolph should resent the intrusion into his Paradise and this undoubtedly aggravated the feelings of uncertainty and fear which his father's conduct aroused in him!. In Hitler's case, however, the conflicting emotions and sentiments were so strong that they could not be held a latent state during this time!. Quite early in his school career we find his conflicts appearing again in a symbolic form!. Unfortunately, the symbols he unconsciously chose to express his own inner conflicts were such that they have seriously affected the future of the world!. And yet these symbols fit his peculiar situation so perfectly that it was almost inevitable that they would be chosen as vehicles of expression!.!.!.!. For example Hitler transformed Gemany into his mother this can be seen in his speaches: "I appeal to those who, severed from the Motherland, !.!.!.and who now in painful emotion long for the hour that will allow them to return to the arms of the beloved mother!." It is significant that although Germans, as a whole, invariably refer to Germany as the "Fatherland", Hitler almost always refers to it as the "Motherland!. Hitlers neuroses and transformation of his troubled upbringing into Germany and Europe (Germany as his mother and Austria into his father) Mention has already been made of the fact that his mother had given birth to at least two and possibly three children, all of whom had died prior to his own birth!. He, himself, was a frail and rather sickly infant!. Under these circumstances, his mother undoubtedly exerted herself to the utmost to keep him alive!. He was unquestionably spoiled during this period and his survival was probably the great concern of the family as well as of the neighbors!. From his earliest days there was, no doubt, considerable talk in the household about the death of the other children and constant comparisons between their progress and his own!.
Children first become aware of death as a phenomenon very early in life and in view of these unusual circumstances it may have dawned on Hitler even earlier than with most children!. The thought of death, in itself, is inconceivable to a small child and they usually are able to form only the vaguest conception of what it means or implies before they push it out of their minds, for later consideration!. In Hitler's case, however, it was a living issue and the fears of the mother were in all likelihood communicated to him!. The death of a younger brother and the obvious discussions about his health and well being had 2 indisputable affects 1) he developed a messiah complex (due to his reasoning for his survival and his treatment of germany) 2) Fear of death and desire for immortality!. Often in his speaches he reflected this deep sentiment: "We shall not capitulate -- no, never!. We may be destroyed, but if we are, we shall drag a world with us--a world in flames!." With him, as with many others of his type, it may well be a case of immortality of any kind at any price!.

As you can see with the above examples it was not just bad parenting by one particular parent but a series of events and deep experiences that shaped him!. There is no doubt he was a very sick man that may have suffered a series of mental break downs that left him in hysterics (a psychotic break!?) By todays stadards he would have been diagnosed as having a borderline personality disorder or possibly schizophrenic (due to his narcissistic personality)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why not if he was naughty!? It was perfectly acceptable behaviour at the time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Corporal punishment was acceptable in most areas of life at the time!.

Failure to follow rules in the military could lead to a flogging!. Failure to obey civil ordinances could lead to flogging!.

I don't know why this issue ever comes up!. Lots of people were beaten by their dad's and came out perfectly fine, some of them being important and good people!. Hitler did what he did because he was evil and sick, not because his dad beat him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hitler's dad was trying to discipline him but he did it so serve that it shaped the man who was feared by so many!. In my opinion everything our parent did to us helps to shape your whole life and your demons that's maybe one of the reason why he was so violent!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because he was a violent, abusive man!.

Same reason any man beats a child!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe he was psychic!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First, it was his step father, not his biological father!. And the man was an abusive alcoholic, I don't think he really needed a reason most of the time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com