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Position:Home>History> Does Great Britain have the most glorious military history?

Question: Does Great Britain have the most glorious military history!?
From England's very long wars ang long list of victories against France, Spain, Netherlands and others to Britain's victories over the mighty Napoleon in the Napoleonic Wars and over the Russians in the Crimean War!. We were also kicking the American's @rses in the American Revolution most of the time before France held us back for them although we manage to make them speak English!. We annihilated their army again in the War of 1812 and burned Washington into ashes before Andrew Jackson saved their blushes off at New Orleans!. Germany failed to invade us in WW2 due to our way more superior Air Force than them (Battle of Britain), thus we shoo'd Hitler away from us way even before the Americans lended and leased their toy guns to us to scare the Nazis away and claimed they "saved Europe" which really isn't the case!. Hitler was wise enough to quit on us!. Then there was also the Falklands victory against Argentina (which was quite nonsensical anyway)!. And the Opium Wars double over the Chinese too!. We could've won the Vietnam Wars had the Yanks asked for our help!. Oh well they thought they won WWII anyway forgetting the nation who slapped the Nazi's first!. We're the only country to defeat every nation on Earth!!

GOD SAVE THE QUEEN!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You have a lot of sense, I hate it when Americans claim they "saved us"!. More like got their a$$es kicked, the only reason they saw any success what so ever was because of their overwhelming numbers!. They really were and are horrible soldiers!.
I completely agree with you the British army was and is great!.
The British were the first to actually win a major allied battle in world war two and they deserve much more credit than Americans!.
It′s like they try to annoy you, they "saved" us LMAO!.
Who kicked the Nazi′s out of Africa!? it wasn′t the US!.
It was countries like England and English common wealth countries such as Canada, Australia and South Africa,
we are the true heroes of WWII!.
I love it when they claimed Britain was weeks from falling to justify how horribly they did LMAO!.

You are correct, thank you for showing common sense!.

EDIT: Americans remember Somali land!?
We also told you Omaha beach would be bad but I guess once more you were right and we were wrong!. lol

Edit: cowboydoc, imbecile do you know anything!?
The D-day landings were not only Americans but British and
British common wealth, you could never have launched the D-day landings without us!.
And look how well you did against second rate Germans!.
I actually have relatives that fought and died in the Second World War, not just died like Americans!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

of course!.!.!. and you're facist just like Hitler!Www@QuestionHome@Com

A few thoughts!.
The Napoleonic Wars were really won by the Austrians, Russians and Prussians!. Britain's war in Spain was on a much smaller scale - then Waterloo did finish the wars, I grant you, but the bulk of the work had been done by others!.
Similarly, Britain survived rather than won WWII!. Most of the fighting was done by Russia in Europe and America in the Pacific!. I don't mean to underestimate Britain's effort and sacrifice, but Britain could not have won without the Allies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am a true Brit, but you seem to have missed a few bad defeats along the wayWww@QuestionHome@Com

Deary, deary me!. By and large we've more on the credit side of our military ledger than the debit, but when you really analyse it this is due to three factors - Picking the right side; picking the right enemy; geography!.

Picking the right side!. WWII was won by Russian manpower (75% of the German army only ever fought on the Eastern front) and American industrial might!. In WWI there were more French than British troops on the Western Front!. Against Napoleon, we were part of a Grand Alliance which included Austria, Prussia, Russia and Spain - and even at Waterloo we'd've lost had it not been for Blucher!.

Picking the right enemy!. Most of our colonial wars were fought against opponents who were technologically and tactically inferior!. Even so, we managed a few disasters, such as Isandhlwana and Khartoum!.

Geography!. More than once we've been saved from invasion by the existence of the English channel!. Had we been part of the European mainland there is no doubt that at vaious stages Philip II of Spain, Napoleon and Hitler would've paraded troops up Whitehall!.

Oh, and America DID ask us to join the Vietnam war!. One of the best things Harold Wilson ever did was say No!. If only Tony Blair had done the same!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

***** off!.!.!.

Your 'military's' incompetence led to thousands of Australian deaths in Turkey during WW1!.!. (Just watch 'Blackadder goes forth' for a summary of England's military brilliance!.!.!.)

As for WW2 if Hitler hadn't attempted to invade the Soviet Union, and if the Americans hadn't got involved after Pearl Harbour, you pricks would be speaking German now!.!.!.

You're also conflating England with Great Britain, which actually consists of other nations poindexter!

I think the Scots would kick your asses any day because you poms are just a bunch of penny-loafer wearing dandies!.!.!.

And you're S-hithouse at sport too, and have crap music as well!.!.!.

I look forward to another 5-0 ashes whitewash next English summer jerkbag!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm an Anglophile myself, but England and GB have not won every war they entered!. England lost the 100 Year's War, despite consistently winning battles on the ground!. English treatment of the Irish was despicable for quite some time!. The Boer War could hardly be called a rousing success, and the British invented the concentration camp during this war!. As for the Opium Wars, these were wars to force the Chinese to import opium, something gangsters would do!. This was shameful, not glorious!.
As for WWI, I won't say that American troops were the deciding factor!. The naval blockade of Germany was causing starvation, and the Germans may have capitualted in another two or three years, but maybe not - they had just won a huge area from Russia!. But at any rate the entry of America was a huge morale booster!.
As for WWII, the RAF did hold off the Luftwaffe in a very heroic battle!. After that when the strategic bombing campaign was launched against Nazi Germany, American industry poured out far more planes per month that Britain, Germany and Italy combined!. American airmen also took the majority of the casualties, as the Americans conducted the daylight raids!. The British and the Americans consistently undervalue the sacrifices made by Russia, and overlook the fact that the Russians had hundreds and hundreds of German divisions pinned down on the Eastern front!. This victory was the result of a combined effort on a desperately fought two front war!.
As for Vietnam, I concede that the British are better at fighting guerilla wars!. The British are better at diplomacy too!.
I went to England in 1975 and absolutely loved it!. I could very happily live in London if I could afford it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well son, you'd better check all your facts a little better because your all screwed up!.
No!.1: France didn't even enter the Revolutionary war until it was over and, it was their Navy that stopped the blockade in 1806 !? We fought and won our own war!.
No!.2 : Check again what happen in the war of 1812!. Andy Jackson burned New Orleans down kicking the British out of the country, not the English!. Fool
In the battle of Britain, the combined forces of the RAF which included Americans, Free French and Free Polish officers, kicked and stopped the Luftwaffe from English skies!. This was with the Len Lease program that also included giving supplies to Britain, which aided them in keeping Germany away!. Planes, food, clothing and, medical aid, not just British people!. They would have succumb to Hitler if not for the combined forces!.

You fool, you were in Vietnam, I was there for two tours, the Australians and English Marines were right besides us!. I learned how to sew the ears of the Cong along my pants seams in the Rangers!. I won't go into detail what else the English and Australians did but, it brought a furor over the world by their methods!.

Your flag may have been flying over every Sunset but, check your history books again idiot, the English never won a war in history, not without the aid of other countries!. American had to enter the WW2 because even with all our aid through the lend lease, they couldn't stop the Nazis so, we entered the WW2: have you ever heard of D-Day and the begaining of the end of Hitler when a combined force of two million men landed and walked over Europe, my father was one of them!.

The English has ruled all over but, never won a war!. They've colonized all Nations and have subdued them but, through revolutions over their tyranical rule, they lost to the Nations freedom seeking people!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You did not mention the fall of mighty British army and its surrender to the Japanese Army onslaught in WW2 in Singapore!. also the sinking of the then boasted unsinkable Royal Navy's HMS Repulse and HMS Prince of Wales in South China sea in WW2 by the mighty Japanese navy!.A proud western nation from Europe defeated by Japan!.
Undefeated!? also you did not drop the atomic bomb that ends WW2 in the FAR EAST abruptly to save millions of other lives!.Forget about that one!?!
SAVE THE GREENBACKS!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

british pride is one thing but this is ridiculous!. you have not defeated every nation on earth!. you are forgetting the fact that we americans won both wars against you!. as for ww2, you need to read some of the books written by your leader at the time, winston churchill!. he stated on several occasions that the entry of the u!.s!. was the turning point in the war!. he knew that with the american industrial and military might, the war would be won by the allies!. it was only a matter of time!. you seriously need to read some more on history!.
also your facts are very wrong!. you seem to forget that in ww1, you lost gallipoli, didn't gain any ground with your bloodletting at ypres, or the somme, and the naval engagement at jutland was a draw!. in ww2, did you forget about your string of defeats in france and belgium in 1940!? what about dunkirk!? what about the battle of britain!? you seem to forget that along with the british pilots, you had poles, chechs, french, canadians, south africans, indians, and the AMERICANS!. ever heard of the eagle squadron that was made up of american pilots!? if the germans hadn't changed their strategy of bombing the airfields to the cities, the battle may have turned out differently!. you also seem to forget about tobruk, a massive british defeat, singapore another massive british defeat, and the sinking of the battleship prince of wales and the repulse by the japanese navy!. as far as vietnam goes, your country was a member of seato but refused to send any troops to help in vietnam!. so you are wrong there as well!. your country was asked but said no!. read some history before you go on a rant that is totally wrong!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i especially liked how they gloriously were defeated by the citizen militia!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com