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Position:Home>History> How did the expansion into the West affect the natives?

Question: How did the expansion into the West affect the natives!?
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In all sorts of ways!.
Beginning about 1650, trappers went into the frontier to get furs - nearly any kind of furs, but beaver were plentiful and were in high demand!. In return the trappers and traders brought very bad whiskey cut with turpentine, very useful things like iron hatchets and steel knives, mirrors (which were an object of complete fascination for Native Americans), glass beads (Native Americans had nothing like this and regarded these as we would jewels), and guns!. The traders were followed by missionaries (watch the great movie "Black Robe" for a very realistic account of Jesuit missionaries in Canada)!. The missionaries were followed by military men who wanted to set up a string of forts along the frontier and who tried to ally themselves with various Native American tribes!. This led to war between France and Britain over North American, with Native Americans as allies on both sides!.
Once the Revolution was over, the popular aim was Indian removal from all territories to open them to white settlers!. This was done by purchase, chicanery, robbery and murder!. The subsequent tale during the 1800's is one of genocide!.Www@QuestionHome@Com