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Position:Home>History> Is Ignorance Bliss???

Question: Is Ignorance Bliss!?!?!?
or does it mean that we repeat the same hideous mistakes of history!?!?!?!?

One thing I have learned from posting on these boards is that people are innocent, notoriously innocent!.

Oh yes they`ll agree with you that the Holocaust was awful (if they even know what it was and/or care how it happened) but if you ask them if the soldiers in the German army were Gays and if that effected treatment of prisoners, they`ll tell you you`re being politically incorrect and not to jugde on the basis of orientation!.

If you mention anything about Israel they`ll say the Palestinians should get their lands back!. They have absolutely no idea that the Arabs stole just as much Jewish land as the Germans, French and Italians!.

If you mention early British settlers, few people know or even bother to ask which groups it was that the Romans carved up when they arrived on these shores!?

We all have short memories and psycho filters!. Thus history can and will and does repeat itself!.

Sad that!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Ignorance is never bliss, and I have to agree with you that history will repeat itself, that's what makes the study of the subject so interesting :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree but that's life!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ignorance is when you are not aware of anything that is going on around you!. The phrase means that you are only aware of having fun and taking it all easy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You're talking about views of history there!. Ignorance is bliss means something else!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

some of the events in history are so hideous and unbelievable,and with film technology today it makes films from history loose their impact, and as time go,s on and the eye witnesses pass over the evidence is diluted, its a shame,even things in living memory loose its credibility and as long as you have the Hitlers and Idi Amins there will always be catacopic effents!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

!.!.!.What's the question!? I'm confused!Www@QuestionHome@Com