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Position:Home>History> Who lived in the British isles before the Celts?

Question: Who lived in the British isles before the Celts!?
what people/culture lived in the British isles before the Welsh!? Someone stated that the Celts came from the Iberian peninsula (Spain) and conquered the locals!. I thought the Welsh WERE the original inhabitants!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
DNA research seems to show that the Celts and the Saxons were both like the Normans, little more than an invading aristocracy, and the actual base of the British population has remained from pre-Celtic times!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Britons!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Discovery told the story of the Chesbourgh man, from the town of the name!. He's still there, under a stalactite and has been formed by ten thousand year by the calcium coming down on him!.
He has an actual relative, a science teacher that has been traced all the years back to him, with the DNA!. So, I guess it goes without saying, the Neanderthal were in the British Isles when it was part of the mainland ten thousand years ago!.Www@QuestionHome@Com