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Position:Home>History> Please help, please!?

Question: Please help, please!!?
please help me to change the follwoing article in your own words, please! I am not going to ask u guys to do it, but it is really for study! please help me to change the following article in your own words, please!

"August 6, 1945, day of the bomb: At 3A!.M!., Navy Captain William S!. Parsons squatted in the cramped bomb bay of the specially built B-29, the Enola Gay, and began to tinker with the 10foot-long atomic bomb hanging from a hook in the ceiling like a helpless whale!." (Day of the Bomb) By 8:15 A!.M!. Truman had ordered the drop of "Little Boy" on Hiroshima, a naval base in Japan!. Japan had chosen not to intercept this fleet, seeing that it was not more than three aircrafts!. Had Truman not decided to drop "Little Boy" on Hiroshima and then a follow-up of "Fat Man" on Nagasaki, we may have experienced many more years of war and death!. Although nearly 200,000 Japanese were killed during this explosion and exposure to radiation, many more would have died if we continued to have battles such as the ones in Iwo Jima, and Okinawa!. The decision of dropping these bombs was one that required a lot of thought and consideration by Harry Truman!. Although it was a tough decision, "Yes, he would drop the bomb on Japan if he had to do it over again!. It saved a million lives didn't it!?"(Day of the Bomb) Had he not succeeded and forced Japan to surrender and secede from this war, he may have forced them to invest more money into their own nuclear weapons program and manage to eliminate half of the United States due to nuclear explosions!. Truman was justified in his decision, and he managed to force Japan out, and the end of the war was near!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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Exactly how do you want us to help!?

If I change it, it'll be in my words, not yours!.!.!.!.!.I think this is actually for homework and I also think you could have rewritten it twice in the time you took to post thisWww@QuestionHome@Com