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Position:Home>History> What are the 3 Main Differences Between Fascism in Germany and Fascism in Italy?

Question: What are the 3 Main Differences Between Fascism in Germany and Fascism in Italy!?
What are the 3 main differences between Fascism in Germany under Hitler and Fascism in Italy under Mussolini!? Thanks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
nazism was very anti-jewish while italian fascism basically didnt care about the jews and were tolerant of them but eventually imposed segregation policies against the jews to appease hitler!. in this regard while the nazis engaged in mass murder of the jews and other races, the italian fascists did not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

hitler was smarter and more admired" and no one really cared aobut the Italians who werent into the war in the first place!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

in germany -fascism is called NAZISM

they have different symbols -hitler has the swastika!.!.and mussolini has http://www!.feastofhateandfear!.com/images!.!.!.

it's like a hammer tied on bamboo!.!.!.

third and last difference:

nazism-racism is important to them(they are very racists)
fascism- individuality--they oppose to individualities like rights!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com