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Position:Home>History> What are the similarities and differences of the origins of world war I and worl

Question: What are the similarities and differences of the origins of world war I and world war II!?
also why has World War II been called the "good war" !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. Both were started by Germany
2!. Rivalry between Germany on one side and Britain and France on the other led to war!.

1!. Dispute in the Balkans for WW1!. Dispute over Poland in WW2!.
2!. Japan's aggression in WW2, no major role in starting WW1!.

WW2 was called the good war because it led to the independence of many third world countries!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

For starters, WW2 is called the "good war" because (1) 99% of the country got behind it and (2) it still looks like a "just" war (halt aggressors, punish evil does, save the world, etc!.) even today!.

Yes, the wars are similar in origin!. They both have the same root cause: German aggression!. In both 1914 and 1939 the Germans went to war because they were dissatisfied with their place in the world order of nations and the sought to change it by force of arms!.

And, yes, their was a bit of a difference in them as well!. In 1914 the Germans were fighting to improve their relative place in the world!. But in 1939 they went to war (1) to reverse the verdict of the first war, and (2) to reorder the entire world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

WW1 occurred after a long period of (relative) peace and industrialisation!. WW2 was entered into by a generation that largely remembered the carnage of the Western Front and had many amputees around and lost relatives to remind them!.

WW1 broke out somewhat suddenly, WW2 after a series of territorial acquisitions by Germany!. In both cases Germany carried grievances associated with her late consolidation and industrialisation!. Both wars in part occurred due to the prevailing sense of reverence for the military!.

Many have called the whole period one long war interrupted by 20 years' peace!.

Both wars were 'total wars', fought by nations harnessing their maximum capabilities in areas of (hu)manpower, technology, production and financial strength!.

WW2 was the 'good war' because the Allies fought, and defeated, regimes that were clearly controlled by evil forces: the Nazi's holocaust and the actions of the Japanese in China and elsewhere are inhuman actions paralleling anything in recent history!.Www@QuestionHome@Com