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Position:Home>History> What is a renaissance humanist?

Question: What is a renaissance humanist!?
And How would that differ from a humanist in todays world!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A humanist was a very well rounded person!. They had many talents- learned alot, such as Leonardo da Vinci, he was an artist, scientist, he did many great things!. he drew models of a machine taking water in, a helicopter, and ship tank, and he was interested in anatomy, very educated!.
Humanists believed in self value and that they could acheive great sucess!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


A few more names to add to the list:

Albrecht Duerer

Lazarus Spengler

Ulrich von Hutten

Gabriel Biel

Hieronymus Aleander

Johann Eck

Ulrich (Huldreich) Zwingli

Jean Calvin (Cauvin)Www@QuestionHome@Com