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Position:Home>History> Important events of the 1960's?

Question: Important events of the 1960's!?
The 60's were so turbulent and a lot of things happened!. Please think the mos important events from these catagories:

2!.Entertainment [music,movie etc!.]
4!.All over most history-making thing

Add anything else after answering this if you want to!!! =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. Assassinations of John Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, and Martin Luther King!.

2!. The Beatles

3!. The birth control pill

4!. Viet NamWww@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Nothing better to offer, except maybe the My Lai massacre!.
2!. The replacement of the Hays code in Hollywood with the establishment of the motion picture ratings system, which allowed for the production of more "adult-oriented" films!.
3!. The first heart transplant
4!. The Cold War, especially the establishment of the Berlin Wall and the Cuban missile crisis

I could also add the space race and the Moon landing!. Not to mention the counter-culture movement!.

Maybe jokesters would answer question #1 with "The 1969 Chicago Cubs"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!.- Murder of President Kennedy
2!.- Woodstock
3!.- Apollo 11
4!.- Cuban Misile Crisis