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Position:Home>History> The revolutions of 1848 were not very important?

Question:agree or disagree

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: agree or disagree

Yes, they were important, not so important as the French Revolution of 1789, or the revolution in 1830, but it became an exercise by the people that were repeated in 1870 against Napoleon III, when he lost the war against the Prussians.
The Parisian inhabitants had the tendency of putting up barricades in their fight against the governments, and the avenues with the Triunfal Arch in Paris, were set up not only by Haussman favoring the people who bought the houses to be demolished and paid excesively by the government, in one of the greatest financial scandals, but also to have a good view to kill any atempt of a revolution.
So you can put 1789, 1830, 1848, 1870 and 1968 together as important revolutions that took place mostly in Paris.

Disagree. They are important because they failed and modern democratic institutions were not established in Central Europe. This led to the establishment of the German Empire, a semi-Feudal state, and ultimately to the German Wars of 1914-1945 that destroyed permanently a great deal of Western Civilization.