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Question:Who are some important people in history that had the first name Francis?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Who are some important people in history that had the first name Francis?

Saint Francis if Assisi - lover of the poor & animals

Francis Bacon - early scientist and philosopher

St. Francis Xavier - served lepers in Goa

Francis I of France - considered to be the 1st renaissance monarch of his country

Francis de Sales - missionary and theologian

Sir Francis Drake

meeeee!!!!(: jk my name is not fransis its better its LINDSEY yeahhhhhh

Scott Key. Wrote the Star Spangled Banner.


Francis Scott Key-the writer of the Star Spangled Banner

Francis Scott Key wrote the Star-Spangled Banner I think.

Francis Bacon

St. Francis, the founder of the order of the Franciscan monks.

Francis, the talking horse.

Francis Bacon, he was so cool, alchemists are badass

Bacon, He was friends with the Earl of Sandwich.

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Arlene Francis, Anne Francis, Francis of Assisi, Francis Ford Coppola, Francis Sinatra, Francis Scott key, Francis Bacon

Francis Scott Key - music composer
Francis Bacon - author
Sir Francis Chichester first to sail around the world single handed back in the 60's
Francis Xavier--> A catholic

Sir Francis Drake. Is the only one ican remember off by heart. search on wikipedia for francis

Sir Francis Drake (explorer)
Sir Francis Bacon (artist)
Francis Poulenc (classical music)
Francis H. Bradley (British philosopher)
Francis Thompson (poet)
St. Francis of Assisi (founder of the Fransiscan Order)
King Francis I of France (first Renaissance king of France)

St. Francis of Assisi; founder of the Order of Friars Minor, more commonly known as the Franciscans

Sir Francis Drake; an English privateer, navigator, slave trader, and politician of the Elizabethan era

Francis Sinatra (aka-Frank Sinatra)
Francis Ford Coppola (Academy Award winning director, producer, screenwriter)

Sir Frances Bacon--secret son of Queen Elizabeth 1, the virgin queen.

Francis Pizarro - Spanish man conquered the incas with his 167 men.