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Position:Home>History> What are some roles and rights of woman in the Renaissances?

Question:for history

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: for history

Most women would be raised in the expectation that they would run a household. However, that involved much more than just cooking and cleaning! Women of the medieval and early modern period would have been expected to be able to cook and preserve food, to brew their own beer (which was drunk instead of water) make their own butter and cheese, spin wool and flax into thread for making clothes, make their own candles. They were also expected to have a good knowledge of medicine and first aid, because housewives were generally the family doctors as well (household manuals even contained instructions for setting broken bones).

Upper class women would be expected to run the family estate when their husbands were away, which meant they needed a knowledge of estate management, farming practices etc as well. Lower down the social scale, women were generally involved in the family business, whatever it might be. Also women would often produce items for both home use and for sale, so that they might brew ale for their home use and also for sale, sell dairy products, and they would often spin thread for sale to weavers as well as for their home use. A good head for business was considered an asset for a woman at this time.

Women were generally expected to be submissive to their husbands when they married, but that did not mean they did not have a useful role to play in society. The support of a wife was vital to a man in the running of his business and his home.

And there were some women who became highly educated, and were respected as scholars, like Theres of Avila for instance. Upper class girls were sometimes educated by tutors like their brothers. Many upper-class women of the period were highly educated and made a name for themselves as writers.

In the towns there were elementary schools that taught girls as well as boys, and a lot of girls would be educated at home. It was possible for girls to be apprenticed to trades, though fewer girls than boys were apprenticed. Many girls were employed in the textile trade,and the midwife was usually an important woman in the local community, and there were some women doctors.

Some notable women of the Reniassance period include the poets Vittoria Colonna and Gaspara Stampa; Marguerite of Navarre the writer and reformation leader; Katherine Bischoff Berg Gerlach, the founder of a publishing dynasty that laster over a century: Diana Mantuana the engraver; the artists Lavinian Fontana, Marietta Robusti and Sofanisba Anguissola: the natural philosopher Olivia Sabuco des Nantes Berrera; Louise Bourgeois Boursier the midwife pioneeer obstetrician; Francesca Caccini the early baroque composer, to name but a few.

Cooking, cleaning, having babies. That's about it.

Good thing we can do more today.

With the exception of Queen Elizabeth I, women didn't have many rights during the Renaissance. If a woman came from a prominent family she had more power. Most women took care of the family and home.