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Position:Home>History> 20th Century History?

Question:What is the relationship between conflict, genocide, and mid-century decolonization?
3 - 4 relationships please :)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What is the relationship between conflict, genocide, and mid-century decolonization?
3 - 4 relationships please :)

This sounds like your homework, so I won't give you a full answer but will point you in the right direction.

European colonization of Africa and Asia in the 19th century tended to suppress existing ethnic conflict in the colonies. It further tended to elevate one ethnic group at the expense of others (eg Arab groups being given more access to government and education than non-Arab groups in Sudan). At the close of WWII, when European nations were pressured to end colonial relationships, many pulled up stakes in a country only to have the political situation there degenerate into conflict as the indigenous ethnic groups vied for control of government and territory (see India/Pakistan, Rwanda). Because these conflicts were between different ethnic groups that had been treated so very differently under colonial rule, genocide has unfortunately often been a factor (definitely see Rwanda and Sudan for differences in status amongst indigenous groups during colonization).