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Question:what are the usa's short and long term reasons for gettting involded in WWI?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: what are the usa's short and long term reasons for gettting involded in WWI?

first and foremost is the german use of unrestricted submarine warfare. after the sinking of the lusitania in 1915, the germans agreed that the submarines should only go after capital ships, namely the british navy. after a while it became apparent that the u.s. was supplying the british, via humanitarian aid, weapons and ammunition, the german high command opened the submarines to engage any ships bound for england. this put american lives at risk and the germans sank several of our ships due to the submarine. also involved was the zimmerman telegram. this called for the mexicans to join the axis so that they could invade the u.s. via mexico. those were the short term. long term, there was none. we at the time, were isolationists. we didn't want to get involved in a european conflict. congress on several occasions stated this publicly.

We wanted to help England
We did not like Tyrants
Massive increase in public support, since everyone wanted to go
Some monetary benefit.
Huge increase in the economy (The drop was unintended)

Long term:
We prove our ability to a super power
Germany is subdued (Sadly Hitler came along in like 20 years)

Short-term reason: U-Boat attacks

Long-term reason: "Making the world safe for democracy"