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Position:Home>History> What did Lenin actually achieve? HELP?

Question:what were his main achievements...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: what were his main achievements...

Lenin was a true Marxist - he was a believer in Communism. Having been a product of Czarist Russia, he knew the hardships of the peasants - which has been historically told by the likes of Tolstoy. You can see even in Tolstoy's writtings in the mid 1800's, the people of Russia were getting ready to revolt. When the popular authors are being critical of government - usually a sign things are brewing.

Lenin was able to sell the idea of Communism to the masses - because of promises to end the war (First World War) and feed the starving. Lenin's revolt against the Czar's was the right time and the right place. Sometimes people forget that there were other revolutionaries involved in the Czar be overthrown but the Bolsheviks were the most organized and strongest - world would of been different if the Bolsheviks weren't the organization that won power.

Lenin was a Marxist and perhaps Trotsky was a true believer BUT Stalin and the Soviet leaders after him were not. Lenin was a product of the European Enlightenment Period when new ideas were coming out all over. Germany and France were hotbeds of political and philosophical thought. Sort of a natural progression when you think about it - central Europe being ruled under monarchies for hundreds of years. Putting some these ideas into action seemed quite plausible after the US Revolution and French Revolutions of the early 1800's.

Lenin's achievements are that he ousted a monarchy that was in power for hundreds of years. One of the worst monarchies ever to be in continuous power. Lenin did much of this outside Russia through written word.

He freakin overthrew the Csar! How can you not know this?

i dont know if these are acheivements but he:
- Introduced communism to Russia
-Communist Revolution

fed the starving. united a country. he was great man but his buddy ^%$&$ him over and corrupted lenins idea for russia