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Position:Home>History> Waswas the arrival of british settlers beneficial to indegenous australians?

Question:and why?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: and why?

No way! They brought a load of diseases to which the poor souls had no immunity. They tried to impose their religion on a people who had a perfectly good one of their own. They trashed the native culture whenever they could, reduced the natives to servants, actually imprisoned the kids in orphanages to eradicate their language and cultural teachings. They fenced the land and imported alien sheep and cattle - and the rabbit, which got to be such a serious pest that they developed and spread myxamatosis to kill it off in a random and painful manner.
They behaved, in short, like criminals - which a lot of them were - harming the innocent in the pursuit of money.

Most of the first British settlers to Australia were men that were deported from home for being criminals. I'm guessing not...

If you call the cannibalism of those wonderful british settlers who were criminals in the Botany Bay colony and killed AND ATE the Aborigines ("Abos" as they called them) then the garbage from British society dumped on Australia was just wonderful.

Sort of like the garbage from British society that went to AmeriKa for some imagined "freedom" and immediately started killing off the indigenous people in the 'New World'.

It depends,
It did do a lot of bad things to them like introducing alcohol to their already very healthy system. but it give them modern day things that make lives very easy. Although they did have very amazing ways to live, they settled into the modern day life.
But it was still wrong to invade their land.
So it's less beneficial to them then it is beneficial. but there was some good out of it.