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Position:Home>History> How do you know the difference between where and were?

Question:I just get really mixed up with them!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I just get really mixed up with them!

Where- A location.....Where do you want to meet me?

Were- A group of something.....We were in the woods

were= verb; where= is like a place; you just have to look at the meaning of the sentence and take it from there. Good Luck! :)

I assume that you know the meanings; you just can't remember which is which.

Here's an easy way to remember them...

"where" has HERE in it. WHERE are you? You are HERE. Therefore, "where" is asking for a location.

"were" doesn't have HERE. Therefore, this is the other one. This is the plural form of was. (I was, we were.)

'where' is a location. 'here' is also a location, so you can remember that the spelling of where is w + here.

Where refers to place-where is the ketchup?
Were is the past plural of the verb "to be"- we were, they were. It's also used in the subjunctive case-if I were a ...Also, it's a werewolf, not a wherewolf.

Where is location, were is past tense of "where" you "were". Like "We were holding on to the giant pig monsters tentacles for dear life, as it flew over the forest of man eating trees" (True story) and we're is we are. As in "We're going to the drug store to buy ourselves a life,aisle five, want to come?"

WHERE= wh- question, it is to ask for places Ex: where is your house?
WERE= the past tense of are Ex: We were in the pool.

where and were example: Where were them?