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Position:Home>History> Opened wounds that have not yet completely healed more than 125 years later?

Question:"opened wounds that have not yet completely healed more than 125 years later"
what's that mean?? what wounds????

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: "opened wounds that have not yet completely healed more than 125 years later"
what's that mean?? what wounds????

Wounds is meant in a figurative sense. Think about it. Even today, there is a division between the North and South. Not like it was during the Civil War, but I mean culturally speaking. Some views haven't changed. Why do you think it took almost a hundred years for the Civil Rights Movement to take place? Yes, blacks in the northern states were also being denied rights, but it was so much worse in the South. Racial issues still hold strong today in some regions of the US.
Another "wound" would be economically. Take a look at where the majority of industry is at in this country, and also where the majority of poverty is.
I am sure you can find other "wounds", but these are two major ones!

its still causing problems now :) x

The War Between the States(north) or War of Northern Agression(south) was fought until April of 1865. the ensuing Occupation of the south by "Carpetbagger's" from the north, gve rise to sentiments that continue to fester even now. What the north referred to as the Reconstruction of the South was rife with corruption at all levels. We couldn't reverse human nature even with the loss of hundreds of thousands of lives. Because the war was fought predominantly in the South, those anti "Yankee" sentiments survive today.

It means that the cultural, social, and political divide that helped spark the U.S. Civil War still lives on in current cultural sectionalism between the Northern and Southern United States.