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Position:Home>History> What person in history (known to most of us) do you admire?

Question:I hate to trim it down to one, but mine is Mahatma Gandhu. He proved that you could change your little corner of the world without violence.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I hate to trim it down to one, but mine is Mahatma Gandhu. He proved that you could change your little corner of the world without violence.

Abraham Lincoln-He went against half the american people to do what was right knowing he would be hated by them for his decision. The emancipation proclomation. I am not black but that is the type of head of our country who we need always in office. Not someone looking to please the people but to do thier job even at thier own expense. He was a great man-strong and incredible.

Dear Holly R

Yes indeed Mr Ghandhi is admirable (I am saying that although I am Pakistani). In addition, I like Alexander, or at least the stories I have heard of him.

Rehman of Multan

I could agree with Gandhi
George Washington is mine, w/o him, there might not be an American, he lead the colonies to victory and inpedence which seem like a hopeless cause from the start. He also inspire many people in other country to gain independneces too

I admire MANY people for the great things that they all did! How could you pick just one !