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Position:Home>History> Who are the top 10 most influential people in the world in the last 1000 yrs?

Question:(they can be infamous, just must be influential)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: (they can be infamous, just must be influential)

I would go back to Michael’s Hart’s book The 100 a ranking of the most influential persons in history. Then I would exclude Muhammad & the others who lived before the year 1008. This would make the list as the following:

1- Isaac Newton
2- Johannes Gutenberg
3- Christopher Columbus
4- Albert Einstein
5- Louis Pasteur
6- Galileo Galilei
7- Charles Darwin
8- Nicolaus Copernicus
9- Antoine Lavoisier
10- James Watt

Well the last 1000 years would exclude Mohammed and Jesus, but here goes (this list is in no particular order):
1. Martin Luther
2. Charles Darwin
3. Karl Marx
4. Thomas Jefferson
5. Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Wahhab (the founding father of the Islamic extremism practiced by Al-Qaeda)
6 Albert Einstein
7 Woodrow Wilson (the inspirartion for the Neo-Conservative school of foreign policy according to leading Neo-Cons)
8 George Bernard Shaw (leading theorist of the Fabian Society school of democratic Marxism as well as being a well known playwright)
9 Milton Friedman
10 Chou En-Lai (started Mainland China off the path of Maoism and on to more of a capitalist path)

In military, George Washington is #1 while Napolean is #2
im pretty sure in the world, George Washington is one since w/o him, there wouldnt be an American which has made a large impact to the world.
George Washington also inspire many leaders in other country to rebel and become independent

and Martin Luther King cant be one since he was inspire by Gandhi, Gandhi is also somewhere top 10 for non violent protest

1. MLK
2. Robert Oppenheimer
3. Malcolm X
4. JFK
5. Adolf Hitler
6. Dr. Louis Pasteur
7. Gandhi
8. Mandela
9. Da Vinci
10. Einstein

In no particular order: Mozart, MLK, Edison, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, Einstein, Newton, Elvis, Henry Ford.

Totally off the top of my head, I'm sure there are better names to include.

1. Nixon, like it or not.
2. Churchill.
3. Queen Victoria.
4. Hitler.
5. The inventor of toilet paper.
6. Einstein.
7. Lucille Ball.
8. Shakespeare.
9. Tom Edison
10. Tie: Mrs. Slocum and Mrs. Bucket pronounced bouquet.

Having been raised more rural than most of you people could possibly imagine, I would have to say it was whoever invented the flush toilet.

I remember life without them.

It wasn't central heat and air, it wasn't electric lights, and it wasn't all your high-brow socio-economic-religious or political psychobabble.

God bless that man, whoever he was. He gets at leave five spots in the top ten.

Guande Hitler,Martian Luther King,Washington,Thomas Jefferson,Stalin ,Winston Churchill ,Sir Isaac Newton,Einstein ,Abraham Lincoln These are a few!

I'll consider this to mean the ten people who had the greatest impact on events, past and present. In no particular order, I'll say;

1. Martin Luther
2. William Tyndale
3. Henry Ford
4. William Shakespeare
5. Charles Darwin
6. Thomas Aquinas
7. Isaac Newton
8. Benjamin Franklin
9. Otto von Bismark
10. John Winthrop

1) julius ceaser
2) abraham lincoln
3) benjamin franklin
4) karl max
5) william shakespheare
6) hitler
7) winston churchil
8) m.k.gandhi
9) nelson mandella
10) diana