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Position:Home>History> Who has played a big role in sexism? i need someone that is known and?

Question:i need to write a bibliography on someone known for favorting male or females.. or just plain out favoritism...i know ceasar chavez and oprah are ones..but i want to do someone else.!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i need to write a bibliography on someone known for favorting male or females.. or just plain out favoritism...i know ceasar chavez and oprah are ones..but i want to do someone else.!

A safe bet would be any man before 1950. James watson and francis crick nicked there findings off a woman.(Rosalind Franklin).

Madonna, one of the first to be that revealing on stage, possibly. But she was more for rights of women you could say then for women better than men.

Does it have to be modern day coz you could do loads of sexist men?
I'll take it you cant have someone whose for equal rights? Coz if you could you could do a suffrageetes like emily davis or maybe hillary clinton...