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Position:Home>History> I visiited London last year and there were thousands of people just minding ther

Question:decided to fire a gun into the air. There was mayhem and obviously the thousands of people, some of which were strangly dressed in fancy dress, ran from the scene. This mad fool had no feelings especially as hundreds of people in wheelchairs also fled for their lives. What do you think?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: decided to fire a gun into the air. There was mayhem and obviously the thousands of people, some of which were strangly dressed in fancy dress, ran from the scene. This mad fool had no feelings especially as hundreds of people in wheelchairs also fled for their lives. What do you think?

xenobyte72 must be really angry to be this close to reporting this question
maybe I can help him out
xenobyte72 you are a waste of space no nothing numb nuts numpty
there that should do it

umm that hes a madman that opened fire in the middle of london with nocare but hurting someone???

Unfortunately, situations like this are becoming more common. I think it is shocking and only pray that guns will not be made easily available here like they are in the USA.

It was called the Marathon

Marathons do seem odd to a casual observer.

I think this is unsuitable material for Yahoo! Answers, not sure if it should be reported though.... I'm this close!

With Boris Johnston you take the rough with the smoove.

LOL! Very funny - I had no idea what you were talking about until I read the marathon answers.

Would it have been the London Marathon perchance!! 27 miles of lunacy even amongst the professional runners. Good fun to watch though.

I would argue that those running in marathons don't have much concern for themselves either as they run.
Marathons put a lot of strain on the body.

This belongs in the "Words and Wordplay" area of Y!A, not history.

Quite surreal and bizarre but sounds good!

Can we have see the complete story/dream/whatever?

If the police were armed there, they could have been better equipped to handle the situation.

The scene of the crime at Blackheath is still being investigated and will be fenced off again shortly.

Three guys in wheelchairs seen fleeing the scene of the shooting : -

The getaway car races up the M-Way to wherever : -

If you see a red car telephone the London Metropolitan Fuzz on 020 7222 1212 where the investigating team eagerly await your call.

i think the gorvenment need to do something about gun crime, hell they are not even legal but yet everyone, including teenagers seem to have them. They should spend more money on it then on £7 mil in the diana inquest which even if they found Prince Charles was guilty they would never tell the oublic and would no way arrest him.

What do I think? Someone who is psychologically disturbed could run amok anywhere in the world. I don't know where you come from, but it has probably happened in your country too. Actually, firing a gun into the air is pretty stupid, but it might not necessarily be the act of a person who is criminally insane. I guess he didn't kill anyone! Maybe people in London are a little sensitive, having lived through IRA bombings and the attacks on the Underground.

Have you never seen a starter gun used to start a race before