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Position:Home>History> How did the Nazi physicist decided wheather a person would live and die in conce

Question:What were the requirements so that a Jew and the prisinors would live during selection? you know how they were put to foreced labor? how did the doctors check to see if they were "healthy" enough?

please list things such as age, weight, height, ect.

its for a school research project, and i have searched everywhere but i cant find information on this one.

thank you

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What were the requirements so that a Jew and the prisinors would live during selection? you know how they were put to foreced labor? how did the doctors check to see if they were "healthy" enough?

please list things such as age, weight, height, ect.

its for a school research project, and i have searched everywhere but i cant find information on this one.

thank you

I think the whole purpose of these camps was for extermination.

If you have a paper due, these links may help you:

Have you looked in books about Josef Mengele? He's one of the main doctors who set up the protocols. Elie Wiesel also talks about the selection process in his book Night. The judgment was partly based on appearance, partly on age. So like under 16 was bad, over 45 or 50 was bad. Anyone who looked weak, elderly, or frail would likely be immediately sent to the gas chambers. Women more than men were sent to the gas chambers, as men were needed more for strength. Too skinny was also bad. There was also luck involved, and different camps had different rules. So if you were sent to the "right" one, you weren't killed even when you were very old or very young.

I believe the word you want is Nazi PHYSICIAN ;) that may help you find more. Of those Mengele is most famous, he was known as the "angel of death" or the "doctor of death". A physicist would have had nothing to do with selection, physicists deal with physics problems- sort of like academic engineers ;)

Some additional things that would help one live- being blond haired or blue-eyed, especially children. Also having some sort of interesting disability- Mengele was obsessed with dwarves and such. The final factor was having an identical twin. If you had a twin, that means that one of you could be a natural "control" subject in his experiments, and one could be tortured.