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Position:Home>History> The View.Did anyone hear when Elisabeth wanted to be John McCain;s Viceprestiden

Question:No, but that was a joke, right? Did Elisabeth only sayt that to gain publicity. I would think that 30 is a bit to young to be VP in the White House. Plus, wouldn't she have to had to work in politics at some point in her life.

Elisabeth is an idiot. I would almost trust Omarosa to be VP to John McCain.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: No, but that was a joke, right? Did Elisabeth only sayt that to gain publicity. I would think that 30 is a bit to young to be VP in the White House. Plus, wouldn't she have to had to work in politics at some point in her life.

Elisabeth is an idiot. I would almost trust Omarosa to be VP to John McCain.

Elisabeth who?

They deserve each other.

yes but it was a joke