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Position:Home>History> Did Roosevelt get the U.S. into WWII on purpose?

Question:if so did he have good intentions for the american PEOPLE or just his own political agenda?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: if so did he have good intentions for the american PEOPLE or just his own political agenda?

No, FDR wanted to keep the US out of the war;HOWEVER, he knew that America would eventually need to enter WWII. France had fallen, Britain stood alone against Hitler and his ally Italy, and Japan was seizing islands in the Pacific. The U.S. was already lending Britain weapons and money in order to keep Britain from falling and after Pearl Harbor, well the entire nation wanted to get back at Japan, so FDR asked congress to declare war, and because declaring war on Japan meant declaring war on Hitler and Mussolini (because of the Berlin, Rome Tokyo pact), the U.S. entered WW II. Because of an agreement that Roosevelt had with Churchill, most U.S. forces were sent to Europe to stop Hitler. Many people had a strong connection in language and history with Great Britain anyways so they prefered the Allies over the Axis Powers.

I think he had good intentions for the American people. Lend Lease was really pushing the definition of neutrality.

However I do not think that FDR knew about Pearl Harbor in advance and allowed it to happen.

Of course not. Your question is absurd. What were we supposed to do? Just sit on the sidelines and let the Nazi's win? And were we not supposed to get the Japanese back for their attack on Pearl Harbor? See what I'm saying? Your question makes no sense at all.

he tried to stay out for a Long time. the war was going on for YEARS prior to us entering it. only when germany tried to convince mexico to attack us (which they obviously didnt) is when it was time to enter into the conflict

The bombing of Pearl Harbor brought the US into the war. They were neutral up to then even though the Lend Lease Act put them on the fence so to speak. If you would read your history books Hitler declared war on the US after the bombing of Pearl Harbor it wasn't the US that declared war on Germany.

he did not get the us into ww2 on purpose
the american pepole were very uppset and told congress
to issue a decleration of war to japna
and rosevelt sighned it
he wanted justice to be sereved for pearl harvard
and the guy who was talking about germany and mexico that was ww1

If you're meaning FDR and World War Two then I don't think you can blame FDR for an act of aggression by a foreign power.
Namely the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941.

Are you sure you're not talking about World War One and President Woodrow Wilson?
If you are then your question makes a little more sense.