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Position:Home>History> Was there really a Governor Ratcliffe settling in Jamestown in 1607?

Question:In the disney movie the antagonist was Gov. Ratcliffe. Was there really a governor or political leader of Britain who sailed with John Smith and settled at Jamestown?

For some reason I couldn't remember his name as Ratcliffe. I ended up calling him Governor Moltar.
For some odd reason Moltar came to my mind when I saw him.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: In the disney movie the antagonist was Gov. Ratcliffe. Was there really a governor or political leader of Britain who sailed with John Smith and settled at Jamestown?

For some reason I couldn't remember his name as Ratcliffe. I ended up calling him Governor Moltar.
For some odd reason Moltar came to my mind when I saw him.

Yes, Governor Ratcliffe was a real person. He apparently fell out with John Smith and was going to be deposed as governor, but the Indians got to him first.

he was killed by Powhatan's indians in 1609. Apparently he had gone to trade with them, but was captured. An eyewitness account of the time says that he was "bound unto a free naked with a fire before him and by women his flesh was scraped from his bones with mussel shells, and before his face thrown into the fire, and so for want of circumspection miserably perished."

John Ratcliffe was captain of the Discovery, one of three boats that sailed from England on December 19, 1606 to Virginia, to found a colony, arriving May 14, 1607. He later became the second president of the colony which later became Jamestown.

They portrayed him in the disney film as Governor Ratcliffe.

Maybe because he wore purple/red and so does Moltar.

Yes, for sure there was!