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Position:Home>History> Does anyone know what TYPICAL COURTSHIP and MARRIAGE CUSTOMS were like in the EN

Question:If you know anything about these questions, that would be a great help! thanks so muchh :D

1) What was the average age of the courtiers?
2) Was love an essential component of the relationship?
3) How long did a typical engagement last?

orr anything else on TYPICAL COURTSHIP or MARRIAGE CUSTOM of the English Renaissance

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If you know anything about these questions, that would be a great help! thanks so muchh :D

1) What was the average age of the courtiers?
2) Was love an essential component of the relationship?
3) How long did a typical engagement last?

orr anything else on TYPICAL COURTSHIP or MARRIAGE CUSTOM of the English Renaissance

This depends on which class you belonged to. With the upper classes, marriages were arranged and the participants often had no say whatsoever in who their life partner was to be. Courtly dalliances were common, but they didn't lead to marriage.
The lesser nobility were able to make love matches but there was a strong dower system in effect so if the girl's family didn't have enough to put in the pot, the match was off, or if the family of the boy didn't think the girl added anything to the social or dynastic weight of the family, they would reject her.
Under then came the common folk. Courtships were fairly short (life was fairly short in those days) and girls married young. Usually by the age of 15. A woman who was 16 and still unmarried was close to being a spinster.
Among the serving class, marriage might be done in the parish hall, but rarely in the church - few could afford that. Often it involved jumping a broomstick or the simple holding of hands before witnesses and pledging troths.