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Position:Home>History> Incans were willing to die rather than give in to the Spanish. Compare the Incan

Question:Incans were willing to die rather than give in to the Spanish. Compare the Incans to a modern country or situation where people have given their lives rather than give in to their invaders.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Incans were willing to die rather than give in to the Spanish. Compare the Incans to a modern country or situation where people have given their lives rather than give in to their invaders.

When the allied troops defeated Germany in WW2, they moved on to the only remaining German ally fighting-- the Japanese. Rather than give in the Japanese fought to the death. Examples of this are the kamikazee pilots, who were effective suicide bombers- crashing their planes into american ships - meaning certain death - but glory through their martyrdom. Another example is when captured the Japanese appeared to surrender but as they approached the allied troops detonated hand grenades and bombs kiling themselves as opposed to surrender.

This mentality sprang from the worship of there emperor as god, and their willingless to do anything- even die- for him. And he instructed troops to never surrender.

Eventually the A- bomb was dropped at Hiroshima as a last resoprt against the Japanese who refused to give up. Its devastating consequences forced the emperor to retract his "death or glory" statement and issue a surrender. could do your own homework or watch that funny program called the nooze

Tibetans protests against China's domination today are a good example.

The Karen people of Burma which are being subjected to slow and systematic genocide by the military government.