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Position:Home>History> What was the bloodiest battle of all time? (By bloodiest I mean the most deaths)

Question:Battle of Taiuos 1,664,000.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Battle of Taiuos 1,664,000.


Siege Conflict Casualties Year
Battle of Stalingrad Eastern Front, World War II 1,530,000+ killed or wounded 1942–1943
Siege of Leningrad Eastern Front, World War II 1,500,000 killed 1941–1944
Battle of Smolensk Eastern Front, World War II 650,000-700,000 killed, wounded or captured 1943
Battle of Berlin Eastern Front, World War II 540,000+ killed 1945

Battle Conflict Casualties Year
Battle of SalsuGoguryeo-Sui Wars ≈302,300 casualties [mostly from drowning][1]612
Battle of Las Navas de TolosaReconquista ≈102,000 casualties1212
Battle of CannaeSecond Punic War 92,000+ casualties[2] 216 BC
Battle of ArausioCimbrian War 80,000+ casualties[3][4][5] 105 BC
Battle of WagramNapoleonic Wars 79,000 casualties[6]1809
Third Battle of PanipatImperial Maratha Conquests 75,000+ killed1761
Battle of UllaisMuslim conquest of Persia 71,000+ killed[7]633

The Battle of Stalingrad, Hitler's fail attemp to defeat the Soviet Union. Hitler meet the same fate Napolean did trying to attack Russia

I would go with the battle of Verdun

And for all those wikipedia users: anyone can write those articles they are not checked for their correctness.
My professors would let anyone fail who used wikipedia as a reference.