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Position:Home>History> I am doing a research paper on the Hippie Movement in the 60s??????

Question:and i need primary sources? what can i use from the internet that would be a primary source?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: and i need primary sources? what can i use from the internet that would be a primary source?

Here is a link to PDFs of some issues of "The Berkeley Barb," an underground newspaper of the era that was popular in the Haight/Ashbury neighborhood of San Francisco during the 1960s.

not a lot because wiki isn't a primary source

I don't know babe but you are far out. I mean you are groovy!

The History Channel had a great documentary on the movement. Their website might have some info.

A "primary source" is word of mouth from the people that witnessed it. Yahoo ANSWERS is the PERFECT place to get primary source information. All of us old hippies, baby boomers, who LIVED the hippie movement of the 60s, (me included) would LOVE to give you some first hand, eye witness, primary source information on "being there". What do you want to know???

heybabe i was floating so high i could catch migrating ducks by hand