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Position:Home>History> How did florence spread the renaissance?

Question:It wasn't so much Florence that aided the Renaissance to spread throughout Europe. It was, really, the students who flooded across the Alps from Germany in order to learn "from the masters", as well as the patronage of Popes,merchant princes, and Kings, for instance, Charles I of France. Also, there was the invention of Gutenberg's press, which made it easier and quicker to print books, etc. His printing press spread rapidly throughout Europe, bringing with it the newly written texts for printing, spreading the ideas of the Renaissance further than ever possible before its invention.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It wasn't so much Florence that aided the Renaissance to spread throughout Europe. It was, really, the students who flooded across the Alps from Germany in order to learn "from the masters", as well as the patronage of Popes,merchant princes, and Kings, for instance, Charles I of France. Also, there was the invention of Gutenberg's press, which made it easier and quicker to print books, etc. His printing press spread rapidly throughout Europe, bringing with it the newly written texts for printing, spreading the ideas of the Renaissance further than ever possible before its invention.