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Position:Home>History> Was Winston Churchill a Freemason?

Question:and part of the illuminati??

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: and part of the illuminati??

Sir Winston Churchill was a Freemason and he did publically resign from the Freemasons and he then joined a noble order and remained in that order

Apparently, Churchill became a lifetime Freemason, then publically resigned from Freemasonry.

according to the " Famous Masons " Web site the answer is he was.

He was a Freemason, he was NOT part of the Illuminati (the Illuminati have been dead for over 200 years).

Yes, Winston Churchill was a Freemason.
"Sir Winston Churchill, Studholme Alliance Lodge No. 1591, Rosemary Lodge No. 2851. (Note: The Churchill Society claims he resigned from his Lodges in 1912.)"

It is reported that he demitted from Masonry, but a Demit is not the same as "renouncing"