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Position:Home>History> So it shall b written, so it shall be done." did egypt pharaoh rly say this

Question:i see in THE TEN COMMANDMENTS that Pharaoh say all teh time "so it shal b ritten, so it shal b dun" and i r wonder if pharoh in reel leif say dis??

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i see in THE TEN COMMANDMENTS that Pharaoh say all teh time "so it shal b ritten, so it shal b dun" and i r wonder if pharoh in reel leif say dis??

LOL ! Pharaoh was god you know ! Writing had the impramature of magic about it. Its not imposible that pharaohs went about saying such things. But I would give this little bit of poetic license to Cecil B. Demille the director of that movie.

BTW the sticks to snakes trick was just too cool. No ?

No my friend. Pharaoh did exist and Moses did lead Our creators people from bondage in Egypt. Cecil B. DeMille and the writers of The Ten Commandments (1956) used many of what you would call "Poetic License" tricks to improve a great movie. It was appropriate for Yul Brynner to say something so powerful and poignant (to the point) but I haven't read anywhere in the Bible where it states that Pharaoh actually used these words.

Well, as no one was there in real life who is still around today, it's pretty hard to say if it was true or just some more Hollywood scriptwriting. It sounds like something written for Yul Brynner or Charlton Heston, rather than for the actual pharaoh.

Only when he wanted his remarks to be documented and recorded, like a law.

Only for offical laws and whenever he desired his thoughts recorded.

Like the above two other answers, only for laws and offical records.

Yes, it is true and like the preceeding three others, I agree for laws and offical transcripts.

Yes it is true, like the others have said above me.




It is true, yes they did.

Like those above, yes he did.