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Position:Home>History> Wat is teh name of curent pharaoh of egypt?????

Question:plz tel me naem of curent pharoh of egypt i hav try look it up but i can no find =(

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: plz tel me naem of curent pharoh of egypt i hav try look it up but i can no find =(

There's isn't one, lmao

Egypt hasn't had a pharaoh since about 30 b.c. That's 2038 years ago, haha

The president is Hosni Mubarak

Hosni Mubarak.

Because there isn't a current pharoh of Egypt. Did you even read your assignment?

*Banging head on desk*


Egypt doesn't have pharohs anymore....

The current president is Hosni Mubarak

The current pharoah of Egypt's name is Bob Jones the Third. That should help you pass your assignment.

There is NO current pharoah of egypt. And the Staff of Moses - IF it actually existed - was most likely wooden, and therefore long long gone.