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Position:Home>History> If Britian was Nuked by a Country like Russia, China or France would America Hel

Question:Just Wondering

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Just Wondering

Of course we would, in retaliation and in aid.

We are allies, both members of NATO, just like if America were nuked, the UK would nuke the scumbags, and come to our aid.


Of course! We are allies you know.

maybe, only it theres an economical profit involved in it... like all the wars America had been involved... and dou you know something funny... I think they wont.... its the easiest way to get rid of an opponent without figthing him

I doubt it - Americans generally dislike the British.

I would like to hope so. And with the upcoming election, assuming it's a democratic candidate that wins, I believe our new president would help.

We Better!!! If something like that ever happened, and we didnt help, I would move somewhere else!

Nuked, bombed conventionally, invaded doesnt matter... US has always been there for UK and as far as I know, always will be. Even if they like to bash us :)

Probably yes, but this would also be WWIII and a possible doomsday scenario for all parties involved.

we give more than the rest of the world combined.

Yes we would.

Only if America could get something out of it. Otherwise, no.

We help those who help themselves.

In a Heartbeat... And it probably would be among the LAST Heartbeats most of us with ever have- as it would mean the Beginning AND End, of a VERY Short- Nuclear WW III . :(

Well, that is a big *IF*. UK has nukes too. It will be the start of the end of the world. I don't think those countries would nuke UK unless UK started it first.

But I think USA would help UK.

UK has always been a good puppy dog to America. heheh, j/k.


however, the Canadians and Australians will be there first. and probably put in more effort. due to the fact that they are connected by history and strong commonwealth ties.

For my part, of course. Do not pay any mind to these nitwits who say otherwise, they do not represent the majority of my countrymen or my government for that matter.

The likelihood of the Russians or the Chinese (or for that matter the French ??? for crying out loud !) unilateraly "nuking" Great Britain is fairly small.

Chin up and stiff upper lip now and all that ...

According to the NATO alliance, the US would be obligated to assist the UKin the event it was attacked. The US has air bases on UK soil, in fact, and any massive attack on the UK would be, de facto, an attack on the US military.

You do know that France is allied to the UK, don't you?

The U.S. has always been an ally the British could count on,and vice versa.

Yes we would, we'd probably know about it before you did and help our ally out prior to getting your approval to do so, enjoy.

Well since the USA and the UK are allies you can bet that we would, but I don't think you have to worry about France doing it and I don't think China's missles can reach the UK yet and well Russia, well they'ld be your only threat. Of course you would probably launch your missles back at Russia for them launching theirs at you.

Always have, always will, in a heartbeat, in a New York minute. Which makes us odd ducks in the world, I guess. Just like we celebrate our Independence from England by having picnics and concerts, not by burning the Union Jack or stoning the British Embassy.