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Position:Home>History> What and why was there a rivalry Himmler between Goering in the Third Reich?

Question:It had to do with the new Gestapo. Heinrich Himmler, set his sights on the Gestapo. A fierce rivalry then developed between Himmler and G?ring, with both men working against each other to curry favor with Hitler as to who would actually run the Gestapo. On April 20, 1934, after much infighting, G?ring decided to cede the Gestapo to Himmler and his associate, Reinhard Heydrich, who took over as Gestapo chief two days later.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It had to do with the new Gestapo. Heinrich Himmler, set his sights on the Gestapo. A fierce rivalry then developed between Himmler and G?ring, with both men working against each other to curry favor with Hitler as to who would actually run the Gestapo. On April 20, 1934, after much infighting, G?ring decided to cede the Gestapo to Himmler and his associate, Reinhard Heydrich, who took over as Gestapo chief two days later.