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Position:Home>History> About the people of the first century?

Question:What are the facts you can tell me about the people that lived in the first century?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What are the facts you can tell me about the people that lived in the first century?

1st Century BC or AD?

Regardless, both centuries spanned the decline and fall of the Roman Republic and the beginning of the Roman Empire.

During this time in Europe, southern Europe and the Mediterranean was dominated by Greek and Roman Civilization. Western Europe was dominated by Rome, and spoke mainly Latin, Eastern Europe was mostly Greek.

Outside of the Roman Empire, Europe was controlled by various Celtic and Germanic tribes. These tribes were mainly illiterate, and not as developed as the Romans and Greeks.

In the 1st Century, all of Europe was Pagan, as Christianity had not yet begun to spread beyond the Holy Land. Slavery was widely practiced both within and outside the Roman Empire.

People wore clothing and robes mostly made of either Linen or Wool. Cotton was unknown, and silk could only be afforded by the most wealthy.

In the Roman Empire, staples included bread, olives, wine, and nuts. Cheeses had not yet become widely known. Outside the Roman Empire, Celtic and Germanic tribes, for the most part, still lead a hunter gatherer existence.

Hope this helps,