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Position:Home>History> What's the largest empire there's ever been?

Question:I know that a few such as the Spanish Empire where big,
But which one exactly had the greatest land mass during it's time?

Thank you very much for your help :)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I know that a few such as the Spanish Empire where big,
But which one exactly had the greatest land mass during it's time?

Thank you very much for your help :)

Yep. It's the British empire. I think it was around 37 million square km but I think the Mongol empire came close second. Not sure what the land mass though. Probably like 34 million square km. The spanish empire you are talking about is around 4th or 5th biggest I think(overall)

Btw the Mongol Empire was a medievil empire and in the medievil imes it was the largest, overall it was 2nd.


I would guess it was the Roman Empire.

id say the british one but i may be wrong

The British Empire was, I beleive the most expansive. The old phrase 'The Sun never sets on the British Empire' alludes to the fact that at one time, the empire stretched to all corners of the globe.

A guess in saying The Roman Empire.

British Empire.....just a guess though?

Roman Empire i would take a guess at!

Contiguous land-wise, the Holy Roman Empire. Noncontiguous, British.

this is a guess but i think i read somewhere that the mongol empire was the biggest ever from china to the med

Britain had the largest subjugated population and widest spread of colonies, but the mongols conquered the largest land area

scroll down on this link to "all empires" and its Britain

Its the mongolian empire. from asia, russia, and some europe

British Empire


I'll put a vote in for the Byzantine empire
but actually it was the british

The One In star wars.

Alexnder the Great conquered and explored all the way to India (or there abouts) i believe.. and also down to egypt

where ever he went, he built a city which was named after himself.. Alexandria (Egypt)... there are many examples of this where ever he travelled.

In saying that though... Russia (the old USSR) was pretty big too, going from europe to the far east.

The British Empire. Covered almost a 1\4 of the Globe and Worlds population.

The British Empire was the biggest empire the world 'HAS EVER SEEN'!

British or Macedonian. 6 of 1, half dozen of the other.

I would take a guess at the British empire. It stretched all the way from America to India to Austrialia.

The British Empire by far.

14.2 million square miles. (Russia in comparison is only 6,592,800 square miles).

I am a history teacher and it was the Roman empire if you need anything else i will be here!!!

Despite what the teacher said, I can't see how it wouldn't be the British Empire.

At its height it included all of Canada, South Africa, the entire Australian continent, New Zealand, numerous islands around the world, the British Isles, British Honduras, British Guiana, and very large parts of Africa including Rhodesia, Kenya, Uganda, and Nigeria. And that's just a portion!

In comparison, the Roman Empire included most of Europe, the Middle East, and parts of North Africa. Very large, but I still think smaller than the British Empire. It would be interesting to see a detailed comparison....

The Mongolian empire, while it lasted, controlled most of what is now Russia and Europe. It wasn't the longest lasting empire, however. That was probably the Spanish Empire.

Harleigh Kyson Jr.

Everyon'e answer is good. The Roman Empire was massive, but not as large as the Mongol or British Empires, so we can put that into third place.

The Mongol Empire owned the largest land mass, by square km, but the British Empire had the most people and nearly the same amount of land at the height of their power.

I would have to say the Roman Empire,but keep in mind that when Islam was spreading during the Middle Ages, it almost engulfed a good part of the known world from Constantinople to what is now southeastern Europe like Albania,Greece,most of North Africa such as modern day Egypt,Lybia,Algeria,Tunisia,Morocco,and most of Spain. In fact,Islam spread about as far north as Austria at one time.

Simply put, British Empire was the biggest. The biggest empire that were physically all connected was Mongolian Empire.
here is the answer honey peace love and respect

The British empire was the biggest there has ever been , covering a third of the world at its height , no other nation has ever held power to compare with it .